Speaker FAQ
What’s the vibe of the event?
Informal. All participants are volunteers and have self-selected themselves to contribute because they feel strongly about the topic and the act of giving to the community. This is not a SXSW main stage, think of it more akin to a Meet Up or classroom visit. The event is free to attend.
What’s the format of the event?
Virtual panel. Typically 4-5 panelists field questions from the moderator and end with audience Q+A. Occasionally there is an opening “keynote” from a guest speaker, usually an analyst or academic. Total run time is 90 minutes.
Who and how many attendees typically join?
Typically we have 30-50 attendees and it’s a good mix of students, early professionals and professionals. Very often the audience reflects the network of the speaker and presenting partners, since the event is primarily promoted via organic social.
How is the event promoted?
The event is co-promoted by everyone involved - from presenting partners to speakers to goodcause. Speakers are provided with social assets to post as an invitation to join the event.
Will I have the opportunity to review the panel questions in advance?
Absolutely. Each speaker meets with the moderator 1-1 in advance of the event to discuss POVs, identify themes to be explored and ultimately craft the questions together.
Can I opt out off any specific questions?
Yes. Typically each question is not answered by every panelists to begin with. If a topic is too spicy for your organization or isn’t something you feel strongly about then simply let the moderator know.
How far in advance will I receive the questions, as my comms team may want to review it?
We shoot for 5 days in advance.
Is the event recorded?
Sometimes depending on the event and partners. If you would like to record yourself for personal development or for social media posting, please advise the other panelists in advance and secure permission if you plan to post anything other than your own responses.