Cornish College of the Arts presents Exploring Experience Design + Humanity

Humans are emotional beings, and experiences that evoke positive emotions tend to be more memorable and impactful. 

By infusing humanity into experience design, designers can tap into the emotional aspects of the user journey - understanding the emotional triggers, aspirations, and values of the users to enhance the overall user experience and leave a lasting impression.

But in the digital age, there is a constant tension between leveraging technology and maintaining a human touch in experience design; ensuring that technology enhances rather than replaces human interactions and emotions. And because users come from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and demographics, each has its own unique needs and preferences.

How can we place humanity at the center of the design process, actively involving users in the research, ideation, and testing phases to ensure their perspectives and feedback are incorporated?

Can experiences that are designed with humanity in mind have the potential to foster trust, long-term relationships and customer loyalty?

Join us for an evening of community, as we explore these themes and more with a panel of experts from innovative brands. 

Selection of Past Speakers:

  • Sarah Higgins - Design Strategy Lead at Patagonia

  • Natasha Lewandrowski - Principal Experience Designer at REI

  • Patrik Karolak - Head of Experience Design at Farmers Insurance

  • Karin Nord - Director, Design at Weedmaps

  • Kel Dylla - Executive Director, Cornish+ at Cornish College of the Arts

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash


SEMAFOR presents Exploring Creative Technology and Innovation


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